Munsell codes are different in kind than those other codes, xyY, Lab, and RGB. Free or inexpensive programs that I have found on the net have proved to be flawed. The only data set that is publicly available was collected in the 1930's. The short answer is, converting Munsell codes into RGB involves interpolation of empirical data in 3D that is highly non-linear. So can anyone convert Munsell HVC to HSB or HSL, or better yet, RGB? or even higher - which makes it sound like an arbitrary scale. But the values i see would all be red - when they should be more yellow, or brown.įinally, it says that Choma/Saturation can range from 0.10. So i take 7.05 to mean 70.5%.īut what is Hue measured in? i'm used to hue being measured in degrees (0.360). They say that Value(Brightness) varies from 0.10, which is fine.
So my question is, can anyone convert Munsell HVC into RGB, HSB or HSL? Hue Value (Brightness) Chroma(Saturation) They quote hue, value, chroma values, and indicate they are from the 1905 Munsell description of color:
I'm looking at at document that describes the standard colors used in dentistry to describe the color of a tooth.